Faculty Of Science Um

Faculty of pharmacy.
Faculty of science um. The faculty of science and engineering fse is home to several outstanding departments in education and research. The department of sts at um is truly unique. Mental health interventions for those affected by novel coronavirus outbreak the research achievements of um on precision medicine for cancer treatment. At the moment the departmental workforce consists of 63 academic staff and 47 support staff who are involved in either technical or clerical support roles.
Founded in year 1997 in science faculty the department of science and technology studies sts offers academic and research programmes aim to understand the relationship between science technology and society. As the largest faculty in university of malaya with locally and internationally feted researchers faculty of science serves as the main research center for science and technology in the region. Faculty of science being the oldest and most accomplished faculties in university malaya is now reformulated to institute of biological sciences institute of mathematical science department of chemistry department of physics department of geology and department of science technology studies. Pioneering excellent education in science.
The department of chemistry university of malaya is one of the departments within the faculty of science. Faculty of computer science information technology. Faculty of arts and social sciences university of malaya 50603 kuala lumpur malaysia t. Faculty of science university of malta msida msd 2080 malta 356 2340 2450 science um edu mt faculty of science university of malta msida msd 2080 malta information about.
Students and scientists contribute to education programmes at the bachelor s master s and phd levels and take part in innovative research in the fields of science technology engineering and mathematics. The latest results of maclean s magazine university rankings for 2021 show that the mathematics and statistics programs at the university of manitoba place in the top ten among all universities in canada 49 were ranked.